Year 4 2023 - 2024




 Our curriculum this term:

Mother Teresa 2.pngCome and See

Our first Come and See RE topic this term focuses on Pentecost and how we can serve others whist spreading the Good News. We will then learn about the importance of Reconciliation and how we can build bridges with others. Then for our final topic, we will be learning about the importance of God’s people and learning about the lives of Saints such as Oscar Romero and Saint Teresa of Kolkata.


English Tom's Midnight Garden

In English, we are studying Tom’s Midnight Garden written by Phillipa Pearce. We are using the message of this book to develop our understanding of chronology in narratives and working towards writing our own story that includes a time-slip element. We will also be focusing on how to correctly punctuate dialogue.  

Next half term, we will be focusing on The Iron Man written by Ted Hughes. We will continue to develop and expand our sentence structures while developing our use of vocabulary and simile.



Our maths work will be focussed upon building our knowledge of equivalent fractions. This will involve identifying, adding, and subtracting equivalent fractions. We will be applying these skills to develop into real-life problems. Also, utilising our multiplication facts to solve fraction problems. During the summer term, we will also cover the use of direction and position to be able to plot on a quadrant grid.

equivalent fractions.png

We will continue to develop and recall our multiplication and division facts to prepare for our Multiplication Tables Check. Additional information about how you can support your child with their times tables, and an information leaflet about the Multiplication Tables Check that the children will sit in June can be found at the bottom of this page.



Our science unit this half term is about animals including humans. We will be focussing on the use and functions of the digestive system. We will be investigating and analysing its uses through various experiments and resources. We will concentrate on the food chain of an animal through researching the different characteristic of a series of animals.

Next half term we will be learning about living things and habitats in science. This will involve experimenting and classifying a variety of plants and habitats.




For our geography unit we will be learning about the physical geography of mountains, earthquakes and volcanoes. We will exploring how the movement of the Earth’s crust and the interaction of tectonic plates alter the shape of our world.




We will be learning about the Maya civilisation who lived in Mexico. We will learn about their culture and beliefs, whilst also investigating the mystery of their apparent sudden disappearance.



Art mixed media artist.jpg

We are focusing on mixed media art for our art topic this term. We will explore Louise O’Hara’s work and explore using a range of media to create different effects on a landscape. We will be using a range of different techniques to utilise a variety of materials within our final piece.



In music this term, we will be learning about changes in pitch, tempo and dynamics. The children will explain how a piece of music makes them feel with some use of musical terminology and create and perform a piece with a variety of ostinatos.


Mexican Food.jpgDesign & Technology

In D&T, we will be exploring the world of Mexican cuisine. We will taste a range of foods and then design, plan, make and taste a dish.



In Spanish, we are focusing on the hobbies and clothes. This includes a range of vocabulary, conversational sentences, and along with descriptions of what clothes and hobbies we like.


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In computing we will be focussing on photo editing. We will explore the uses of photo editing and the ethical arguments around it. We will focus on a range of photo editing techniques such as: resizing, retouching and rotating images.


You, Me, Everyone

Baby.pngIn our You, Me Everyone lessons we will learn about the importance of community and the role the Holy Spirit plays in our lives. We will explore We will explore our differences and the ways God loves us for being individualities. We will explore the miraculous nature of human conception and birth. With the underpinning knowledge that we were handmade by God with our parents’ help, children will go on a journey to discover how life is created in the womb. We will learn about the importance of money and begin to think about our aspirations and goals. We will also prepare for the transition to Year 5.


Physical Education
This term, our PE lessons will be led by Military School. We will participate in a range of physical and practical activities which will develop our problem-solving and teamwork skills.

Our PE day this term will be Thursday.


Things to Remember

Please ensure all items, but especially coats, jumpers and lunchboxes, are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Please can you ensure your child brings a waterproof coat each day to school - one can be left on their peg if you prefer.

Children need to bring their water bottle in every day. These need to be clearly labelled with your child’s name.

School is not currently selling any snacks at break time. Please consider sending your child in with a healthy snack.

Children will bring a reading book home every Thursday and should be returned on the Monday.

Children will take spellings home every Thursday and they need to return their spelling books back to school on Wednesday for their spelling check.


We look forward to continuing to work with you all this term. Please contact any member of the Year 4 team if you require any further information. If you need to speak to us on the yard after school, we ask that you kindly wait until we have seen all the children safely to their parent or carer. After this, we will be more than happy to chat. Alternatively, you may wish to contact the school office via phone or email.

Thank you once again for your continued support.

The Year 4 Team

Files to Download

Following in Jesus' footsteps we love, learn and grow together
UrsulineCatholic Primary School
Nicholas Road, Blundellsands,
Merseyside, L23 6TT
Office Manager | Anthony Hampson
0151 924 1704