Year 1 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 1
Autumn Term 2024
Meet the Year 1 team:
1B - Mr Briscoe, Miss McCobb, Mrs Hodges and Miss Appleton
1W - Mrs Wolfenden and Miss Netscher
What are we learning about this term?
Welcome to the Year 1 blog for our first half term! We hope you have all had a lovely summer. We are very excited for the children to start Year 1 and for them to have a happy and fun start to the year. Below is an overview of what the children will be learning this term.
Religious Education
In our Religious Education lessons this half term we will be focussing on the topic of families. The children will explore the concept of family and will learn to talk about their experience and feelings about the roles of people within families. They will be learning to recognise/retell stories and psalms which reveal God’s love and care.
The book that we will be focusing on in English is the Bear and the Piano by David Litchfield. This beautiful story begins with a bear who finds something quite strange in the forest. What is it and where will it take him? The second book we will be reading is Stanley's Stick by John Hegley.
We will focus on the correct use of punctuation using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We will look at how words join to make sentences and the use of ‘and’ to join clauses. The children will also be introduced to the use of prefixes and suffixes.
Children will continue to follow the Read, Write, Inc scheme for phonics. We will continue to track the children closely and will assess them each half term.
In maths we will be focussing on place value to 20. We will continue to learn to count, read and write numbers to 20 in numerals. They will learn to identify one more and one less than a given number within 20 and to identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, and least.
We will look at representation and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 10 Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = □ – 9.
The children will be learning to recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins and notes and to recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes. They will be introduced to measure and begin to record lengths and heights.
This half term the children will be learning to identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees. Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.
During the year we will also focus on the seasons and observe changes in the natural world as we move through each season.
In PE this half term we will focus on fundamental movement skills. Here the children will learn about moving skilfully, negotiating space , sharing equipment, showing control over objects and playing fairly.
Our topic for the Autumn half term is fieldwork. The children will learn about our local area, and we will be out and about exploring local landmarks, using and making maps!
In Art this term the children will get the opportunity to explore some of the work of artist Sarah Morris. They will learn how to look at artwork, saying what they see and what they like, and why We will then discuss with the children their initial thoughts through paired discussion and whole class activities.
The children will also experiment with shape, colour and media. They will use learned skills to create a piece of artwork and reflect their artwork and the artwork of others.
We will be learning about technology around us in our computing lessons this half term. The children will develop their understanding of technology and how it can help them in their everyday lives. They will start to become familiar with the different components of a computer by developing their keyboard and mouse skills. Learners will also consider how to use technology responsibly.
You, Me, Everyone
Our lessons will focus on family to complement our Come and See lessons where the children will learn to recognise the signs which show how we meet God’s love in our family and how we are loved in our families. We will also talk about firework safety as we run up to bonfire night.
Daily Reading – It’s really important that you read every night for at least 10 minutes. Children will bring home their book bags with a reading for pleasure book on a Monday on this should be returned on a Thursday. This is a book that could be read to your child at bedtime or something they could share with you by telling you the story through the pictures. Book bags will also go home on a Thursday with 2 phonics books. These should be returned no later than the following Monday. The books will be matched to your child’s reading level and will help them consolidate the sounds and tricky (red) words learnt that week. It will help your child to read these books more than once to help improve reading speed and expression.
*Please can you sign your child’s reading record to show they have read when book bags are returned on a Monday and Wednesday*
Things to remember:
- Children should come to school in their PE kits on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We aim to do outdoor lessons on Tuesdays and indoor on Wednesdays.
- We aim to go outside every day for breaktimes plus our PE lessons and other activities. Please make sure your child brings a waterproof coat every day.
- Please send a fresh bottle of water labelled with the child’s name (not juice, squash or energy drinks) in each day.
- The children are offered a fruit snack every morning break time.
- Please ensure that all jumpers, hats, coats etc are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
- Children are not to bring in items from home (such as pencil cases, footballs, small toys etc).
- If you need to speak with your child's teacher, please approach us on the playground and we can arrange a time. We would ask that you kindly wait until we have seen all of the children safely to their parent or carer before speaking to your teacher and we will be happy to chat. Alternatively, you may wish to ring the school office.
- Remember book bags and books.