Reception 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Reception!
We are so pleased to welcome our new Reception children to Ursuline.
Here's to a great start to your school journey!
Autumn Term
This class page is where you will find information about what your child will be learning in the term ahead. Please see below for our planned curriculum and learning opportunities for this term across the 7 areas of the EYFS Framework, as well as our RE and You, Me, Everyone programmes.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Ursuline offers your child numerous opportunities to develop in the following prime areas of learning:
- Communication and Language
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
as well as another four areas of learning:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Expressive Arts and Design
- Understanding the World
We will start the term thinking about how we are all unique and special and that God loves each one of us. We will be focusing on our names, understanding that our names are important and symbolise how special we are.
Towards the end of autumn term we will be learning all about the Christmas story and performing the story of a very spacial birthday in our Christmas Nativity.
- Communication and Language
We will have lots of opportunity to talk and to understand how to listen carefully to each other through our continuous provision activities, where staff will be engaging in purposeful conversations with children in their play, from looking after the babies in the Role Play area to preparing parties in the Mud Kitchen. We will be modelling back and forth exchanges using full sentences and encouraging the use of new vocabulary taught through our quality texts. Our chatter bags are an excellent way to find out about new friends' interests as the children talk to us all about what's inside!
- Personal Social and Emotional Development
We will encourage respectful relationships with peers and adults where children will learn to begin to self and co regulate using our emotions check in and sensory box. We will encourage the children to identify and link book character's emotions with their own to help with this. We will help the children to develop independent use of buttons, zips, shoes, coats etc and teach them strategies to look after their belongings. We will talk about the different factors that support their overall health and well-being, such as being active, spending time outdoors, eating healthily and having a good sleep routine as well as keeping ourselves safe.
You, Me, Everyone
This term, we will talk about how we can keep ourselves safe , from understanding that our bodies are private to online and firework safety. Our bespoke You, Me, Everyone programme offers many opportunities to discuss ways in which the children can develop personally,socially and emotionally.
- Physical Development
PE lessons will be on a Thursday (children to come into school dressed in their PE kits please) and will focus on practising fundamental PE skills from self regulation skills and finding a space to movement skills such as rolling, running and jumping. We will also begin to use a range of equipment, both large and small and indoors and outdoors.
We are developing our gross and fine motor skills in lots of ways in Reception, using play dough, threading, colouring and writing on a large and small scale as well as rolling tyres, carrying buckets of mud, water, sand and crates in our continuous provision. The range of continuous provision activities is so important in building their hand and eye coordination, core strength, stability and balance, needed for future learning.
- Literacy
Our book choices this term relate to our themes:
Me, Friends and Family/ Autumn
Time for Change! / Christmas and Winter
Our quality texts form the basis of our well-planned curriculum. We start with 'Amazing' which not only reinforces the idea that we are all different and unique but also the things we can do are 'amazing'. We finish autumn term with a beautiful text, 'Bear Snores On' which leads us nicely into winter and keeping snug! We will develop the children's understanding about reading and writing from left to right and begin to say, read and write set 1 sounds in our Read Write Inc phonics programme. This in turn will help us to begin to read and write simple sentences.
Our focus for writing in the early part of autumn term is to write our name correctly using the correct letter formation and using a tripod grip. We will be asking the children to sign ther wonderful creations, leading on to writing labels for whatever they make in Reception.
Staff will read many books from our class book areas and will be encouraging the children to begin to sequence and retell them themselves. Story time is such a wonderful part of the day in Reception!
The children are having daily phonics sessions, through our Read Write Inc phonics programme.Fred the frog helps us learn new sounds and blend them into words.
The children are bringing home a class library book at the moment. Once they have learnt sufficient sounds to be able to read vc and cvc words, they will begin to bring home a phonics text. Our Early Reading meeting for parents will tell you more about this. Books will be sent home in book bags on a Thursday to be returned to school on a Monday. Thank you for your support in helping your child with their reading at home.
Some useful videos for parents, to help your child at home with phonics.
What is Read Write Inc phonics?
How to say the sounds
Why read to your child?
- Maths
Our daily maths input this term develops the children's understanding of number to 5 by focusing on a number in depth.
We will use 5 frames, manipulatives from our environment (pebbles, pencils, sticks, cubes, buttons and anything else that can be moved!) to have a solid understanding of number to 5. This includes being able to spot a number without needing to count each item individually (subitising) within 5 and looking for patterns within larger numbers to help with accurate and speedy counting.
The children play a range of simple games to support their understanding, first with an adult and then with a friend during continuous provision.
There are lots of opportunities within continuous provision for children to explore shape, space and measure.
- Understanding the world
Children's understanding of the world is explored in autumn term, first and foremost with what they are already familiar with. Themselves and their families. We look at similarities and differences, and explore our environment with our sences. The Role Play areas, including the Mud Kitchen is a great way to deepen this. We then examine seasonal change in the natural world from the last signs of summer to autumn, looking at differences and similarities in our local environment. We are always respectful of our natural world and teach the children to take care of it.
Our key texts, The Leaf Thief and Bear Snores On prompt us to think about the change from autumn to winter and the animals and habitats that animals live in.
We will be practising simple greetings in Spanish, including our 'hola' and 'adios' songs and numbers 1-5. We also compare how we greet each other in Spain to the UK, exapnding our understanding of different communities.
- Expressive Arts and Design
From dragons to poppies, self portraits to all things Christmas ..., we will use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques to create pictures, props and models and begin to explain the process we have used. Our imagintions will also be stimulated as we develop our Role Play in many ways, from reenacting familiar situations to retelling stories, using what we know to express our ideas.
As well as the opportunities to explore and make music daily with the instruments out on our performance area we will be following the Kapow scheme of work.
We will also prepare the songs for our Christmas Nativity celebration on 11th December.
A few reminders:
- Please send in a water bottle for your child, filled with water each day.
- We also ask that every item of clothing and footwear is labelled with your child's name.
Dates for your diary:
- Reception Parents / Carers Early Reading Meeting - Thursday 3rd October 9-9.30am
- Family Book Buzz - Friday 18th October 9am - 9.30am
- Parents'/ Carers' evenings - 22nd and 23rd October - (you will be invited by e-mail to book via 'school cloud' nearer the time)
- Finish at usual time for half term on Thursday 24th October
- Return to school - Monday 4th November
- Christmas Nativity - Wednesday 11th December - 1.30pm
- Finish for Christmas holidays - Friday 20th December - 2pm
If you need to speak to your child's teacher, please approach us on the playground and we can arrange a time. We would ask that you kindly wait until we have seen all of the children safely to their parent or carer before speaking to your teacher and we will be happy to chat. Alternatively, you may wish to ring the school office.
We are looking forward to a super first term of learning ahead of us.
Reception team
Mrs Bryce, Mrs O'Brien (Class RB)
Mrs Long, Mrs Bray (Class RL)
Mrs Walmsley (mornings RB,RL)