Year 2 2023 - 2024



We would like to welcome everyone back to our Summer term and we hope you all had a lovely Easter break.

 Things to Remember

  • Please ensure all items, but especially coats and jumpers are clearly labelled with the child’s name.
  • We aim to go outside often so please can you ensure your child brings a waterproof coat each day to school - one can be left on their peg if you prefer.
  • Children need to bring their water bottle in every day.
  • For the 1st half term on a Tuesday and Thursday your child needs to come to school in full PE kit. Thursday will be our outdoor PE session. In Summer 2 we will be going swimming on a Wednesday. More details to follow later in the term.
  • Children will continue to bring a reading book home every Monday and Thursday and this needs to be returned each Monday and Thursday with their reading diary.
  • Children will continue to bring handwriting practise home every Thursday and this needs to be returned on a Monday. This book will also contain the spellings your child needs to know.

Here is an overview of our curriculum for this Summer term.

Come and See

Come and See small logo.png

Pentecost- Serving: Spread the Word- In this topic we will be exploring about messages and their experience of passing on messages. We will discuss different messages and the best way to pass the message on. We will be learning about Pentecost and spreading the Gospel message through the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Reconciliation- Inter-Relating: Rules- In this topic we will discuss how rules can help at home and in school. We will also learn about the reasons for rules in the Christian family.

Universal Church- World: Treasures- In this topic we will be exploring what we treasure and why. We will also be listening to different Bible stories and begin to understand that the world is God’s treasure given to us.

Islam- Prayer/home. During our other faiths week we will be learning about Islam and the importance of prayer. We will talk about how Muslims learn to pray at home with their family. We will discover that prayer is an important part of the day and that Muslims pray five times every day.

English & Phonics


In Summer 1 the children will be exploring Africa is not a country. This text will give opportunities for the children to develop their understanding of the diverse continent that is Africa. Throughout the unit we will focus on different facts and we will compare similarities and differences with the countries in Africa. At the end of the unit, we will be writing fact files for different countries in Africa.


In Summer 2 the children will be exploring ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ by Roald Dahl. This will provide children with opportunity to read a chapter book and practise their different writing skills they have learnt in year 2.

Some of the children will be following the Read Write Inc programme and will still receive two books a week. Please remember that we recommend that the children read the books several times to build confidence and fluency. One will be a familiar text that they have looked at in class and one will be an unfamiliar read that is linked to the sounds and tricky (red) words learnt that week.


Children need to continue to practise the spellings that have been sent home in their book, also known as ‘red’ words that will be differentiated according to their reading level. The spellings will be assessed in their writing during the week. These ‘red’ words are non-decodable, so they will have to learn how to spell them. We have put in each child’s book the common exception words that they need to be able to spell by the end of year 2.


Please encourage your child to practise their handwriting at home. The links below model how to write their letters on the line and with horizontal and diagonal lines.  

Handwriting stage 1a/1b

rwi_RPhO_HW_1a.pdf (

rwi_RPhO_HW_1b.pdf (

Handwriting Stage 2

rwi_RPhO_HW_2.pdf (

rwi_RPhO_HW_3.pdf (

Capital Letters

rwi_RPhO_Capitals_chart.pdf (



In Maths, the children will be focussing on adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers within 100. We will also be exploring simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables. The children will begin to ask and answer simple questions based on the data provided. We will continue to work on their understanding of multiplication and division and will focus on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Please encourage your child to go on Times Tables Rockstars each week. Our final topic in the Summer term will be looking at different units of measure.




During the Summer term we will be learning about Plants. We will observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. The children will be able to describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.



In Summer 1 we will be focusing on Geography.  We will be understanding geographical similarities and difference between the United Kingdom and Kenya.



In Summer 2 we will be focusing on History. In this unit we will be focusing on The British Monarchy. We will be learning about key Kings and Queens including Queen Victoria and Henry V111.

You, Me, Everyone

You Me Everyone logo 2.png

In Summer 1 we will be learning about the cycle of life and what changes they have already been through. We will move on to introducing the concept of the Holy Trinity and what it means for them. Through the story of the Good Samaritan the children will learn that everyone is their neighbour and we also explore the different communities we are part of. This term we will also finish our Journey in Love learning as we focus on ways to celebrate meeting God in our communities.

In Summer 2 are main focus will be transition and preparing the children for moving to a new year group and key stage. We will also look at how we can look after our money and different jobs people do in our community to earn money.



In PE this term the children are focusing on mindfulness and movement, invasion games, athletics and swimming. Our indoor PE session will be on a Tuesday and our outdoor session will be on a Thursday.

Art - Sculpture



In Summer 1 we will be developing our skills in sculpture. We will look at the sculptor Andy Goldsworthy and the children will create a sculpture inspired by Andy Goldsworthy using natural materials.

DT – Beanie toy vehicle- wheels and axles


In Summer 2 we will be developing our design and making skills. The children will plan, design and make their own toy vehicle that uses wheels and axels.



In Summer 1 we will be looking at developing our photography skills. The children will take a range of photographs using the iPad and will look at what makes a good photograph..



In Summer 2 we will be looking at West African call and response songs. The children will use instruments to represent animals, copying rhythms and learning a traditional Ghanian call and response song.


Daily Reading – It’s important that you read every night for at least 10 minutes.

Children will bring home their book bags with a reading for pleasure book on a Monday and this should be returned on a Thursday.  This is a book that could be read to your child at bedtime or something they could share with you by telling you the story through the pictures.

Book bags will also go home on a Thursday with 2 phonics books or a reading scheme book.  These should be returned no later than the following Monday. The books will be matched to your child’s reading level and will help them consolidate the sounds and tricky (red) words learnt that week.  It will help your child to read these books more than once to help improve reading speed and expression.

*Please can you sign your child’s reading record to show they have read when book bags are returned on a Monday*

Spellings - The children will have spellings from their own reading level. Spellings will be tested throughout all written work. The children will be expected to apply these spellings in a sentence. Words will not be tested through a spelling test.

Times Tables – All children have a login for Times Tables Rockstars. Please encourage your child to go on to this regularly to practise 2, 5 and 10 times tables. If you have lost your login details please let a member of the year 2 team know so it can be resent home.

Other Homework - Occasional projects linked to topic work will be set throughout the year.

If you need to speak with your child's teacher, please approach us on the playground and we can arrange a time. We would ask that you kindly wait until we have seen all the children safely to their parent or carer before speaking to your teacher and we will be happy to chat. Alternatively, you may wish to ring the school office to arrange an appointment.

We look forward to continuing to work with you this term. Please contact any member of the Year 2 team if you require any further information.

Mrs Graham, Miss Fitzsimons, Mrs Moody, Miss Norman, Mrs Snaylam & Mrs Hodges

Files to Download

Following in Jesus' footsteps we love, learn and grow together
UrsulineCatholic Primary School
Nicholas Road, Blundellsands,
Merseyside, L23 6TT
Office Manager | Anthony Hampson
0151 924 1704